Birthday Party for my exceptional husband | Day 331 of my 2023 Journal


The birthday of my husband was unlike the man himself, not exceptional. We were very tired after the late night the day before, and we did not want any hype about it, did not want presents, as we were backpacking, and did not do much formal celebration, except walking to the local organic shop + cafe to try their cakes and camote-chips and spend time with wonderful people.

It is, of course, a stretch to say it was not exceptional. We are backpacking Mexico with our three teens, living with sharp, awake, amazing, clear people of our kind, ready to move on to the next step of our adventures, stable in our love and our path. Our minds are open to establishing new dreams and new experiences, ready to inspire and carve a way out for others.

My very special husband is hiding behind a humble cover, being very ambitious and downright stubborn, sticking to his rules, his values, his big dreams, his obsessions, and his love for everything beautiful, romantic, extraordinary, puzzling, or worth enjoying.

So, let’s move on, husband. With what is into what we want to become, creating the future we need in a world we love. Together.

Happy birthday. Happy life.

With love


Cecilie Conrad

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San Miguel de Allende - New places, New perspectives | Day 332 of my 2023 Journal


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