The silent contrast: Finding peace in quit days | Day 313 of my 2023 Journal

The silent contrast.
Some photos are great. Maybe this one will not go down in history, but it does - at least to me - very well represent the days we live here at Playa. On the rooftop terrace in the sunset, splashing in the cool water, just the five of us.
We are making peace with the facts of life here. This is not the Mexico we came to see; this is not a place where we will ever go back - yet somehow, it is the perfect frame for us as we try to find our feet, our souls, and our peace.
We lived about 15 months in the Mercedes before we flew to Cancun.
We traveled in Spain, France, and Scandinavia, back down to Holland, Belgium, France, and Spain again, then the trip over the Mediterranean to Civitavecchia, and drove to Sicily, where we had some pause in beautiful Vila Nina.
In February this year, we were on a road trip around Sicily before zigzagging all over Italy in March and (half of) April.
We lived for a month at a castle in Normandie, sleeping in the van and hanging out with many travelers, mostly Americans soon to become our new great friends.
Scandinavia again, before another road trip through Holland, Belgium, and France, before we spend six weeks in England, moving around like ants.
As a Grand Finale, we walked 270 km of the Camino de Santiago before we drove back to Catalunia to visit the grandparents, ship and let go of most of our stuff, sell the bus, and pack the backpacks.
We did, indeed, need a pause without having to plan for it.
Playa used to be a slow town by the waters, now it is a buzzing playground for gringos, and we find ourselves to be some of them.
We can laugh about it, and we can observe the little things that seem real - but we are facing our own music: We wanted to go somewhere NOT interesting so we could calm down and stay home and work on our private projects for mind and body.
We did not expect it to be this repelling, but it works.
We hide at the rooftop in the cool waters, ignoring the craziness out there.
And we are learning to appreciate it.
We needed a place where we didn’t want to go out.
And now we have it.
With love
Cecilie Conrad
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