October's Summer: A Perfect Day at Playa de Sant Salvador | Day 274 of my 2023 Journal

Playa de Sant Salvador
On our first day back in the hood, our Catalunia, we decided to spend the entire day at the beach. No need to push ourselves by driving to the bus and facing the music of clearing it out. Just a day at the beach.
To enjoy the heat, the cool water, the sunrise as well as the sunset, the lazy calm vibe.
Interestingly, this was our first beach day this entire year. On the first day of official autumn. We have, of course, been to beaches, but none were warm summer days and beach time. Instead, it has been cold dips and hiking.
It has not been sand on your arms, heat to knock you out, running barefoot in the sunrise, ice cream, a favorite seafront restaurant, salt in the hair, sand everywhere, and the colors of the sunset, and walking under the stars listening to the chickadees while it is cooling down so much so, it might be possible to sleep.
For most of this year, it has been spring. Spring at Sicily and up through Italy and pausing in France, and then the Scandinavian summer, not warmer than spring. A moment of summer in Germany, before the English summer, felt like autumn in July and August.
The Camino somehow was in a parallel universe all through September. Seasons don’t apply
And now! Summer days.
Summer days in October at the beach in Catalunia. I will just accept it. It is all as it should be, perfect. I am where I am supposed to be, and I did enjoy a lovely day in the heat at the beach. Most of all, we enjoyed the reunion with our wonderful friend Rohit, who has lived here for four years.
It felt welcoming and heartwarming, and at home to spend the afternoon together. Swimming, talking, snacking, drinking coffee, hanging out, hugging. If you want to meet him, we have a podcast episode where he shares stories from all the many other places on the planet where he has lived and his unique perspective on traveling.
Summer days. Grab them whenever they present themselves.
That is my philosophy. Summer days, apparently, have nothing to do with the season.Â
With love
Cecilie Conrad
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