Camino Frances Day 15: Reflections, Renewal, and Embracing Minimalism | Day 266 of my 2023 Journal

Camino Frances. Day Fifteen.
The balcony of that Airbnb put me in a luxurious and peaceful feeling. Just hanging out in the sun. As Liv and Erik were cooking, I did not have many tasks that afternoon except taking care of myself and my projects.
So I took my time.
In the sun.
And I thought about how different analysis structures are or become truths how I love to use a system to arrive at an insight.
I thought about chakras and psychoanalysis and how a framework can be walls to bounce a ball against rather than a truth - yet becoming the catalyst of insights. Does that even make sense?
I did a simple chakra meditation, aligning all the energies - and fell asleep in the sun. It was wonderfully healing; I felt renewed and happy when I woke up in the same (yet different) sunshine with time enough to look after my feet, have a shower, and organize my thoughts.
I do not have space here for all the thoughts. There is something about nomadic root chakra making so much sense, the root being the generations before and after, the lines flowing between us, and it all anchors so nicely when the anchor is not a place or a bunch of stuff. How traveling has healed the worry of shelter and things, and how I love to open my existence to even more presence and a less cognitive blur.
I am beginning to let go of things we don’t need. Why keep them? We are leaving for Central America after the Camino.
I don’t need to return to half-done projects and old cups; I look forward to moving into my backpack and having an even lighter life with fewer things and more of what matters. “You carry your fears,” said Cheryl about packing light, one of the first days of our walk, and this is so interesting.
Another framework for analysis and a lovely opportunity for personal development: What am I terrified of? And am I ready to let go of that fear and trust even more?
Plus, we walked. Of course. Fifteen or so km before the whole balcony and thinking thing.
With love
Cecilie Conrad
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