Camino Frances Day 11: Ferreiros to Gonzar - Stars, Steeps, and Surprises | Day 262 of my 2023 Journal

Camino Frances. Day eleven.
Ferreiros to Gonzar 17km
It started in the early morning, looking at stars in the darkness.
I walked with Cheryl for the first 10 kilometers before we met the young group. We have almost stopped complaining about the steep elements and the heavy legs and enjoyed the intense beauty.
From darkness to morning light, mist, fog, and clouds, through colder paths to Portomarin, where we finally, after 10K, had coffee and sat for an hour waiting for the last group who had slept longer (that is, Fjord had slept longer and Jesper waited for him).
After Portomarin, it was another seven kilometers, and they felt long. The sun had come out, and it was a beautiful day.
We hit the (hopefully) lowest part of the entire thing when we passed first a spraying tractor and just after a fertilizer plant - damn the stench.
Arrived at the hostel, not very romantic, but did the job of showers, French fries, washing machine, even pool, and rest in the sun.
With love
Cecilie Conrad
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