Everything The Beatles | Day 223 of my 2023 Journal

Of course, Liverpool was about the Beatles. Where else would we start? It is quite hard to grasp the impact of The Beatles; it is overwhelming to listen to the music - it goes on and on with the nuances, the melodies, the lyrics, and the creativity. But of course, we all know that.
Visiting Liverpool, we wanted to begin with the Beatles. So, we booked tickets to the Liverpool Beatles Museum, not realizing there would be loads of them in town.
We spent a good long morning doing our morning stuff, the yoga, the cooking, the washing, the writing - and we even did some planning and shopping for plane tickets before we took an Uber to the wrong museum.
Well. A lot of the adventure is everything in between the things you think would be the adventure. So, we walked the streets, passed the club where the Beatles took their first steps into fame, the whole rock and roll area with live music (of varying quality), the wall of fame (and yes, it IS overwhelming how many superstars has played on the same scene), the statues in the streets, the t-shirt shops with Beatles Beatles Beatles, and the Beatles statue at Albert Dock.
We did enjoy the museum. The Beatlesmania photographs, the short movies, the people who were part of it, the craziness of stuff to put on display: A stone from a building where some of the music was recorded. A plastic necklace that had been worn by one of the Beatles in India, a guitar once played by John Lennon. But in all fairness also fun stuff. Like all the merch. Plastic figurines. Napkins. Drinking glasses. Dresses. Lunch boxes. And the magazines. The monthly Beatles magazine.
It really was fun to see the whole thing; we did enjoy it.
Another highlight of the day was we found a vegan cafe, and for the first time in England, we had very well-made food eating out. It was so good; we came back the next day.
Maybe I was a bit too harsh the other day, sharing my shockingly bad servings in the two first places we went. It is never fair, is it? To judge all English take-away based on two bad experiences. I get that.d
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
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