Hiking in the rain | Day 213 of my 2023 Journal

The first hike in the Forest of Bowland was challenged by rain. We tried to wait for the rain to stop, but it never really did.
To be fair, it was also challenged by bad information. We had to make a new plan several times, as a fair bit of the walk was passing through fields with sheep and kettle, and as everything was wet, it did not seem like the best plan. After about 4 kilometers, we turned around and walked back the way we came.
Now, success can have many faces.
One of my big struggles with our modern huge, shared Western society is the narrowness of the ideas of success. It seems success has one face in the mainstream, maybe two.
But in real life, the more interesting question is this: What is a good life? What makes us happy? How do we succeed in doing the things that make for a good life and make us happy?
Hiking in the rain, changing the plan, and coping with dogs on leashes and cars passing can be a success, even if we imagined something else. It is all about mindset and about knowing our why.
You see, we are here to go out on good long hikes with our friends. To see the landscape of this area. To have conversations and tired legs. To share stories and to build new stories to share in the years to come. We have not seen these friends for 18 months and are happy to have some time to share.
And so we did. Walked. Talked. Shared stories. Laughed.
And had tired legs when we came back. In the evening, the sky cleared, and we went for a second walk. Just down the road and around the corner. In total, we did walk the 12 kilometers we aimed for per day, but that is not the point.
The point is the hours shared. The connection. Iben sat down almost 30 years ago next to me first day at university, and there she was, one of the best and most important friends I have ever had. Her twins are now young adults, and I am grateful they will travel with her to spend time with us. Who cares if it rains, really?
A day of rain is just a mayfly; the relations we have in this life are the backbone and the stepping stone, and the point of it all.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
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