Moving North | Day 204 of my 2023 Journal

Here is what happened on the 23rd of July on the practical adventure level: We woke up after sleeping halfway in the hedge, halfway in the street in our van outside Martin's house. We could not drive up his driveway, as the angle between the road and the steep climb to his house was too brutal for our van, not leaving enough space for the vehicle's back end.
As it goes with likeminded, it was easy to share the hours. My sons played some new board games with Martin and his daughter, Jesper, and I worked; Silke was grooming the dogs and drawing. We cooked some meals and washed some clothes. The sun was shining on a beautiful day.
In the late afternoon, we said our goodbyes and drove 200km North to arrive at the house Luna and Sarah had rented to live together for a while, with a beautifully large driveway for us to inhabit for a time.
It was a day blessed with amazing people: First, Martin’s family and, later on, Sarahs and Lunas - all open-minded awesome people with whom we feel (are) totally normal and free. Great relations all way around.
And now. Here is what also happened. For the first time in six months, I wrote an actual blog post, exceeding the short 365 challenge reflections. As Learn Nothing Day was upcoming, I wanted to write about that, but the fuel came from the diagnosis of PDA, which I had just learned about two days before. I was shocked and blown away by the perspectives of this narrative, and I took my chances to say out loud what I think about this kind of labeling of children.
It has been a while since I risked it. It felt okay. It felt like a big risk, and at the same time, surrounded by such lovely people, I felt the love shower of the universe showing me: It was going to be okay.
Also, I did the recording of the intro to my new podcast, where I talk to 3 amazing women about how we can fix the world by changing perspectives and thinking in new ways.
All levels of this day sum up to support each other. The sunshine in the garden, the writing explosion, the driving, the arrival in sisterhood, the laughter.
Perfect. Just perfect.Â
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
Have you read the latest articles by Cecilie Conrad?
Here you can find my latest writing - It is a mix of my blogposts and 2023 journaling. I hope you will enjoy it :)Â
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