The why revisited | Day 199 of my 2023 Journal of my 2023 Journal

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I am unsure why I keep writing these small stories about our travels. Some days it seems like an unnecessary chore. Publishing to social media makes it worse. I have to share my little writings with everyone (not that I think everyone reads the whole thing, but some do).
Writing every day about what happened and what we thought about seemed like a great idea initially. I thought it would help me keep track of things. Anchor thoughts. Remember, and forget equally important.
It might still be a good idea, like meditation. Both seem so easy to not-do, to skip, to wait until another time, “just today, I do not have the time,” I think. But I think I am wrong. Just as mediation will surely do me good, so will writing a little thing every day.
I am not going to start doing habit trackers. I can never do that. With this writing process, at least I have some creative space. Unfolding inner things, putting memories away. Storing them in the correct order, with the right emotion, in the proper context. Understand what really happened.
Anyway. I write this as I am struggling to keep up with my writing ambitions while on yet another European Road Trip. Surrounded by people and culture, and adventure all the time, I find it very hard to pause to sit and reflect. The more important!
So, we left Gent and our friends there and arrived early evening in Calais to get the dogs prepped for England (a tablet and a signature) - and drove off to the bunker beach just outside of the city to enjoy the sunset and the seals. So unique and beautiful that it is hard to grasp.
And yes, it is worth it to not write on a day like that. To take my time a day or two later. As long as I take it, I pause to reflect.
And I do like it. The inner peace that follows.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
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