Trusting the path

Walking with faith, listening to the ways of God, the ways of the Universe, believing the miracles, and embracing even the complications. We learn every day to trust the process, and sometimes it all becomes very clear.
We can go anywhere - and we've chosen to stay
The bus has been parked at Mon La Bassa. There are so many good reasons to stay, the adventure of the relations here and the learning. We feel our way through this life, and there is nowhere we would rather be than right here even when we can go anywhere. The way we embrace this journey of life, this time we spend together, is just as much a spiritual development as an adventure in cultures, landscapes, art museums, historical sights, and people. Week 50, mid-December, has been a spiritual journey, and I will share some of the insights alongside this gallery.
How traveling takes us closer to God
Even if I had tried, before we set off to this new lifestyle, I could not have imagined the way the universe embraces us. The way God is leading our way in a gentle, loving, clear way. Even though, I actually knew, this is how He works, how the rules of the Universe play, I am still very, very surprised. The only way, I can react, is to be grateful. And to learn.
To learn, whatever we need, will always be within reach, there will always be abundance. To learn, there will always be helping hands when needed, meaningful work to do, enough of all, and a clear path for us to live our life. To learn the important lesson: We can think and plan, but we will never know or be in charge - to live a full and rich and meaningful life, we need to also listen to be willing to embrace what life / God / the Universe / Source presents for us.
Since there will always be a part of us so deeply connected to the Devine, so our earthly selves hardly understand it. And this connection, my friends, is the lifeline to the miracles. Knowing this might be the most important knowledge, and somehow it is soft, light and has to be learned over and over and over.
Very often in this life I just know. I can not explain or rationalize; I just know. Know what to do, where to go, what the next step is, how to begin, not is time to leave. And I keep learning to trust this knowing since I am very aware this is divine. NOT from me, knowing from the big miracle of life, from the universe, from source, from God.
Somehow this traveling keeps underlining these dynamics, these facts and just makes things clear. I am grateful for that, and I wonder if this is the actual reason it feels so right to travel (and I know, nothing in this life has only one reason).
A last goodbye to a loved one
The major “event” this week was we had to say goodbye to our old dog. She had an aggressive cancer, and as we set off from Denmark, we knew she would not live long, and just prayed and hoped and were grateful for every day we got to keep her.
To say goodbye in this place, full of animal-loving vegans, was the best place. To have all of our new friends understand us and hug us, and help us has been amazing. The fact we joined in two animal funerals before our dog died, I see now was a way to prepare us, making this loss a bit softer, a walkable path for everyone. We knew it was time, we got help from vets and friends, and we knew what to do.
We did cry a lot and felt it a lot. And it was perfect. The rain cried with us, the sun came to cheer us up, and the context of meaningful work and loving people gave us a path to walk just after, so we could do this in a way that did not push us out of balance.
We are grateful, we got 12 years with Coco. A loving and very special spirit.
As life happens, new friends, new horizons
In this week, we also got new friends: Ruth and Lluis and their son, also unschoolers came to visit, and they were … as always when we meet unschoolers … wonderful people. We are grateful they contacted us, and we are even more grateful for the new friendship. We learn so much about the culture of the Catalans, the language, the difference to “Madrid-Spain”, the local stories, and the way Ruth and Lluis came to the choice of a self-directed life.
Saturday, we did a bicycle ride to the next city to pick up something at the post office. Oh, how the peace of the ocean is soothing for the soul! This was the first day without Coco, and it was a weird feeling. But we did enjoy the colors of the sky, and the feet in the sand and the water, and playing soccer at the beach and the workout and running and talking and eating a simple packed lunch. An afternoon like this makes us remember why we even started traveling, and even though we were emotionally tired after the loss, we understood to be happy and grateful for the day, the moments, the opportunities, the colors, the wind, the togetherness. This taught us we do not need to start the bus to see new horizons. It is just like this very special place in Catalonia that keeps opening new perspectives.
As this week has been looking to the inside, to work with emotions, and to the spiritual extreme outside (i.e., the universe and our part in it), we did not take that many photos.
May the sun shine on you
Cecilie Conrad
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