Rain, bikini-body, and container-obsession | Day 194 of my 2023 Journal

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There are many little things to think about, inspired by what happened the second day in Bremen.
First, I went for a lovely walk in the dog park & forest with my daughter and the dogs.
Second I did full Ashtanga yoga plus swimming plus meditation by the lake. My favorite Yoga outfit is as little as possible, but when I am in the public space of the park, I am thinking: not exactly bikini-body, about myself.
Wait, what?
I am wearing the yoga equivalent of a bikini on my body, i.e., it is a bikini plus body hence a bikini body. Is it not?
It is only the obsession with the skinny and my ideal of being smaller stopping me from feeling good about my body.
So, I had to think about that for a while. There have to be some REAL people out there on the big Internet!
The second thing is how rain again defined the agenda: We moved on towards Gent in Belgium because it was raining anyway, so there was no point staying. And then we realized we were one day behind, thinking Thursday was Wednesday, and quite busy to make it for the Gentfest.
We did not make it all the way. Construction work on the highway and other things pointed to a stop on the way, and we found a campervan park at a harbor in Holland.
How interesting! It was full of roses and other flowers, someone attended them beautifully, harbors are always beautiful, and on top of all that, there was a special treat: The view to a container facility, where I could obsess over worldwide logistics and the moving systems of vast chunks of stuff.
All that stuff! Wuau.
So, here we are. On the road with friends, on the way to friends and music.Â
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
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