The adventure is the people | Day 186 of my 2023 Journal

🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧
Our German friends are just as amazing as they were when I wrote about them two months ago; there is nothing to add. Teens hanging out, preteens with big smiles, grandmother living her best life, mutual inspiration, sunshine, pool time, love. The Attwood family always lifts us up.
So - allow me to share another thought.
We forgot to celebrate the very important five-year mark of our nomad life. It has been five overwhelming years. I can, of course, not capture them in a short journal entry, but I can share one perspective:
Little did we know, before we left, that co-living would become our style.
Initially, it seemed strange to move in with people, but lo and behold - right there was the light.
First, we moved in with good friends, and that was easy. We moved in at Mon La Bassa and stayed for several years more than planned (except WE did not stay, but the bus did).
We flew out and moved in with strangers at Gran Canaria one winter (a wild experience I highly recommend - so much to learn), and we learned to say yes to invitations and sometimes invite ourselves to stay a few days or weeks when we met someone awesome.
The thing is this:
We meet someone awesome quite often.
The amount of wonderful wholehearted people out there with all of their stories and vibes and love is overwhelming, and it seems a lot of them appreciate the company.
Living with people allows for great friendships to arise quickly and true connections to be made. I equally love to share my vulnerability and my enthusiasm.
It has been amazing to learn this.
The van allows us to bring our own home to other people's homes, which is to be preferred, and often we enjoy renting large places to host co-living. Sharing life with someone is such a wonderful experience.
Outside the comfort zone, a stretch away from habits, leaving behind social fear and facades, there is a realm of truth and a journey of powerful exploration. Plus fun! Love and fun usually take center stage.
It is all about the people.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧Â
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