On the road again | Day 184 of my 2023 Journal

🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧
It seems we are taking off on a one hundred days road trip now. More or less.
A road trip based out of the Mercedes, where we will visit friends in Germany first, then a co-road trip with other friends, join a festival in Belgium and visit more friends, then take off to England to connect with more friends and family plus explore new horizons as we have never been to England before. We will have friends coming to see us there to hike in nature, and we will join a big home education festival before we move on towards Calabria and 250 kilometers of the Camino in September before returning to Catalunia to wrap up Europe for now.
Taking off from the humble South of Jutland, it seems like a lot.
We are happy to leave and do not need a plan so much as we need some peace.
We spent all morning being slow and doing some final home-country shopping and drove all afternoon on the one and only A7 - a very well-known route in Europe. We stopped somewhere random to cook lunch and moved on through the queuing around Hamburg, where we also enjoyed the large container harbor.
We talked a lot in the van, as we had not had the time to talk to each other on the final farewell round in the last days in Denmark.
When we left the highway to go to our friend's place, we started to listen to music, singing along, and we arrived on a high vibe in their beautiful garden.
It is interesting how our life seems to be out here; our home base is moving around; we feel comfortable and happy when we have collected our energy, stuff, and plans into this tiny box on wheels.
We are ready to be ready, ready to go, ready to share, enjoy, learn, explore, and chill.Â
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧Â
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Here you can find my latest writing - It is a mix of my blogposts and 2023 journaling. I hope you will enjoy it :)Â
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