There is a sadness creeping in | Day 175 of my 2023 Journal

🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧
There is a sadness creeping in as we do our last rounds in Denmark this summer. The price for the adventure is being paid right now. Only five weeks in our home country in total this year is taking its toll.
I am not complaining; simply noticing. This is how it is. We want the adventure, the exploration of new areas, and we want the reunions with our friends, now scattered over Europe and a few other places; we want the nomad lifestyle even with the price tag. When leaving our home country, there is sadness. It is okay. We will be back.
Leaving in high summer, when people are throwing parties everywhere, the beaches are inviting, and the strawberries are ripe - is a challenge. A challenge we will rise to. It is - in the end - worth it still, the advantages larger than the sadness. And the sadness is love.
So, we went to a family brunch in a garden full of roses in Copenhagen, sat in the shade, and talked to family members all morning on a Sunday until we finally said our goodbyes and left for an afternoon birthday party in another garden in Elsinore. All smiles and strawberries and sunshine, the kind of sunshine just before a big storm, humid and overwhelming.
Our friend in Elsinore lives right next to a humble piece of forest, a rich little piece of nature between the city, the railway, and the ocean. We walked through it to get to the beach - with almost everyone from the party and played in the water for a long time. Kronborg, the castle of the story of Hamlet and of a big part of the history of the kings of Denmark in the horizon, Sweden just on the other side of the water, the sun so strong and bright over us and the water immensely appealing.
A double garden party day with beach time. We do get tired in the evenings. And the little sadness is the big love; we know it and embrace it. Love, friendship, and beauty are waiting for us in all of the other locations chosen for this summer, and we are coming.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇬🇧Â
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