The value of home-making | Day 163 of my 2023 Journal

I am very much a homemaker. This is interesting, as at the same time, I am a true nomad. I find it intriguing how I can at the one hand love to move around so frequently and at the same time enjoy the home-making processes of setting a space for social life, and establishing a kitchen with fermentation and sprouting.
Now, my sister's family has arrived, I am cooking and organizing for the double amount of people, and I find myself enjoying it. Clearing the kitchen, setting up a workspace for cutting up old magazines, playing games, cooking more food, making smoothies, and cleaning the floor.
I could find it frustrating, but I must say, I do enjoy it.
Over the years, I have learned the value of these things. It seems housekeeping skills and tasks are valued extremely low in our culture as if it is just a maintaining job to get done as quickly as possible and an area for the genders to fight and for parents to push children.
I think we need to appreciate all the little things done to make life easy and smooth, all of the effort made for clean clothes, nicely organized (not perfect) spaces to live in, areas set up for structured work or creative unfolding or chilling, the food cooked with love, the dishes done so we can have clean ones next time we eat, the windows arranged with flowers and light.
We all do live this life unfolding who we are, and all efforts are valuable.
When I grew up, the effort I talk about now was sometimes called “a woman's touch” but then equality between the genders came along, and it was forbidden to say so.
I agree, of course, with many elements of the feminist movement, and I do not care who is the homemaker. I just find it awful to push down the drain the value of this effort.
I am a peace with being a homemaker, and I do see the value of it in the flow of life of people around me, and I do appreciate all the work done by everyone else, age of no matter.
We all contribute to creating beautiful days for and with each other, and that is what truly matters.
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
🇩🇰 Also available in Danish 🇩🇰
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