
Travel blog

Is time really flying?

Time - 3

Walking back home through Krakow one last time, I contemplate the concept of time and whether it is flying. I carry a liter of laundry detergent from the organic shop as I walk in light rain with the teenagers. We have been in Krakow for a month; this is the last full day. Tomorrow, we will spend the day packing, and we will leave in the early afternoon.

This morning, we saw the Maria Cathedral on the main square for the second time; this time, we saw the opening of the altar, a most beautiful …

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Welcome to Europe, Gypsie


Welcome to Europe, Gypsie

The first morning after seven months in Mexico and the USA, I woke up in my van somewhere on Montserrat Mountain. The word “gypsy” danced through my quiet mind, and I felt utterly at home, carried by Life’s Great Mystery and filled with the appetite for life that I happen to have in ample supply. 

A few days later, we camped by the Mediterranean, and I wrote a morning piece for a book project while sitting on a wall overlooking the sea. This piece is a lovely opening …

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