
Cecilie Conrad

It is a Miracle | Day 140 of my 2023 Journal

There were tears, we fell to our knees, and the relief was huge. Nova was born sound and safe. We welcome her with all that we are, all we have. Deeply moved by the miracle and forever thankful for the life we have been given.

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May the forest be with you | Day 139 of my 2023 Journal

One of the root problems behind climate stuff is disconnection. From each other. From love. From nature. From a humble and grateful perspective. This feeds consumerism, speed, need, and greed. Without the deep connectedness to our souls, to The Force, we can not live fulfilled lives and will feel hungry and dissatisfied forever.

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Cancer survivor | Day 138 of my 2023 Journal

On the 18th of June, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. And so, the roller coaster started. I was diagnosed. We all panicked. The doctor told me in the first sentence they could cure it, and I said I did not want statistics. I would go straight for that narrow option, however narrow it was, but I needed not to know the numbers.

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Home is... | Day 137 of my 2023 Journal

To me, home is where my family is. Home is the love. Everything else is practical: The food, the clothes, the computers, the books. This matters much less than the feel of home, the love and commitment of having each other's back, of being in a private space, of unconditional love.

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Do you dare to share? | Day 136 of my 2023 Journal

do you dare to share group
I hardly know how to visit people anymore. With the Attwood family, we live our lives on top of and around each other. We all do our thing, and the harmony is perfect, no less. The way we merge our energies, and have conversations picking up and leaving loose ends with no stress, is my favorite way of being around our friends.

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The German Connection | Day 135 of my 2023 Journal

Ten years ago, Chris and Doris Attwood were suddenly in my living room in Copenhagen.Our families have been inspiring each other for a decade now, dancing in circles. Even on the first day, we knew there was something important going on in this relationship, as - to be fair - most often, there is something important going on.

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The adventure is the people | Day 134 of my 2023 Journal

The adventure is not about WHERE we go, but rather WHO we meet. 

In the new relations lies the true adventure. Most important is the relation itself, but shooting off from there comes to the stories, the vibes, and the knowledge making the actual travel adventure so much richer. As a friend of ours puts it: All I need is a place to sleep and a friend to show me around, then I am ready to go anywhere.

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Is this Ibiza?! | Day 133 of my 2023 Journal

I know all pain comes from the distance between how I perceive reality to be and how I want it to be, so I try to flip it around. To say to myself I trust the process; I would not want it any different; I am grateful for every moment I get, and I would not want them all to be equal. The fact things change is a premise, and I love the adventure.

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It is never really goodbye | Day 132 of my 2023 Journal

The families are starting to leave. Nomads always move around, and now the castle experience is ending. Everyone is going in different directions.
The circles meet over and over; plans are being made all the time of when and where to meet again. As one of the beautiful teens said: It is not that hard to meet again when both families are nomadic. It is much harder to see people again if they live in the same place.

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All the little things | Day 131 of my 2023 Journal

all the little things
I love days of "little things" - days where I just follow along, do my yoga, organize things, and just are in flow with life. I am grateful for the fact that I don’t have to go to work. I am not part of a system of showing up, looking good, and performing within someone else’s time frame and frame of mind.

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Happiness | Day 130 of my 2023 Journal

Most people do not know what makes them happy. They think they do, but they don’t. I find it crucial to always be aware of our core values, our next goals, our dreams, and big and small things we could put on our bucket lists and vision boards, so we can be clear on why we do what we do.

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Conversations | Day 129 of my 2023 Journal

In the flow of life, as it goes, we rarely stop to think about how much effort goes into conversations. Communication is crucial for human life; we need to communicate to survive and thrive, we learn from communication, and we share so much more information than the spoken word when we communicate. The tone of voice, the timing, the body language, how we carry ourselves, the frequency.

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Trust the process | Day 128 of my 2023 Journal

Unpacking and unlearning our fears and hidden agendas is most of the work of unschooling parents. We don’t judge a child who builds a tower of bricks to see it fall 50 times a day; somehow, we all agree and understand that toddler needs this, but we do judge older children when they do “nothing.” But how can we know?

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Prom at the castle | Day 125 of my 2023 Journal

How we dress and why is an interesting topic we have discussed hundreds of times in our family. It can be allabsorbing and too much, and how “not caring” can almost be a style. There is no way around the fact we see each other, and the clothes we wear send a signal about who we are and how we carry life. The art is to know it, do it, and not care too much.

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Mont Saint Michel | Day 122 of my 2023 Journal

Once more, we woke up at the beach and joined the early birds running for a cold morning dip. What a wonderful thing to do in the morning, and so much fun with friends. 

Moving on, we spent a good hour in and around BioCoop, while Jesper had a Zoom meeting. We made our morning bowls, prepped the lunch, and organized the van before we drove off to Mont Saint Michel.

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