
Blogspost by Cecilie Conrad

Learn Nothing Day, Compliance and Avoidance | Day 203 of my 2023 Journal

What ever they want blog
Learn Nothing Day combined with my genuine shock reaction to a new-to-me three-letter diagnosis inspired this text about leaving children be, accepting our parental responsibility of love and support, and shaking off the madness of demands and structure surrounding mainstream family life. Welcome to a rampage about freedom, trust, and real reality.


On math and unschooling

What if math was voluntary? What if we recognize the fact that all math, including high school level, can be learned by a motivated person in 3 months? Six if we take it easy.


Big Rocks First - welcome to 2023

Big Rocks First - 1
We have a massive responsibility to each other, enormous. It becomes self-evident when we have children that we need to care for them and do our best to make life beautiful for them, but when all comes to all, we have the same responsibility for everyone else as well.Ā 


Are you happy?

Sharing our take on happiness, finding the good life balances, the ways we balance an ever-changing life, and the story of how we attended a great festival in Germany for home-educating families. Read on to learn our thoughts on routines on the road, lovely gratefulness exercises, and how we handle some of the basics of practical life on the road.


The secret to good planning

Plan with a pencil FB
How we did not travel to England and what happened instead. One of the hidden perks of being a full-time traveling family is that we learn to sharpen our WHY and HOW all the time. In this blogpost we share what we have learned about planning and handling plans that changes.


Chateau Jasmine and how to handle big dreams

Chateau Jasmine Cover - 1
ā€œIf your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.ā€ This is such a powerful truth. I remember being so afraid of the bus, afraid of leaving my country, afraid of letting go - yet the dream was powerful; I had to do it.


Unschooling is just life

Week 17 Blogpost - 4
Unschooling is just a fancy word for living, said a meme I saw on social media this week. It is true. Another, longer, a post I read was about how ambitious we can all become while following each other's unschooling journeys on blogs and social media.Ā 


Do nomads have a social life?

Social life of Nomads - 1
Do you have any friends? This is one of the all times most asked questions we get as a full-time traveling family. In this text, we share the answers and perspectives on the idea of having a social life on the move. We would never have imagined this reality before we left, but now it is our everyday life of adventure.


Are we rootless?

Do we need to have a house, a base, somewhere to call home? Will it take too much toll on the children to keep moving? Is it good for us?


Do we have to read Shakespeare?

"I feel sorry for people who never read Shakespeare", my 15-year-old son told me one late night in the darkness and the tiredness after just another of the many parties we attend while visiting our home country.


Are You Always Busy?

Life is in the moment of the things we do. Whether we are studying a language or talking to a friend, or going for a walk, the most important is not to have a mind full of all the things we are not doing in this present moment.


Unschooling is about freedom

Letting go of control and ambition is not letting go of presence and enthusiasm. We trust the flow of life, the joy of learning, the natural curiosity everyone possesses and do not plan a curriculum for our children.


Education and learning cannot be stopped

Education and learning is an intrinsic element of human life, can not be stopped, and institutions are not necessary for children to get good educations. The world would be a better place without compulsory schooling.


How to make dreams come true

We left a wonderful lifestyle in a beautiful city to get an adventurous lifestyle based on traveling, unschooling, community, and our open hearts to the cosmos. It has been magic, and it still is. We are very grateful for the freedom and the love.Ā