A Sick dog, a bit of driving, and a lovely evening | Day 195 of my 2023 Journal

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At the harbor with the containerships, one of our dogs started vomiting. At first, we did not think much of it, as this sometimes happens. But it went on all night, the situation getting worse, everything coming out both ends, even water.
We spend a good chunk of the morning being worried. I took my time to meditate and adjust my emotions, as negative emotions will never help.
As soon as the vets opened their clinics, I called. A few hours later, we met him, and his vibe was just like our favorite vet back in Denmark; he was straightforward and professional. He said our dog had contracted a bacteria and would get well with antibiotics.
Thank God for professionals!
Much calmer, we drove off toward our friends in Belgium.
Wise from experience, we stopped to have lunch and coffee. It is a bad idea to push it. I called our friends to ask how far they were, and we were only 4 kilometers from each other.
It is funny how I am surprised every time the sync is perfect without being planned.
When we all stay in our flow, it should not come as a surprise.
I know it works this way, yet I am baffled every time. We had spent all day doing separate things, moving towards the same destination, and there we were, perfectly in sync.
We arrived at Marjan and Bernard's place early evening, talked and adjusted and cooked and played music, and gave the dog some food, and Silke did her nice work of grooming her, so we could keep her clean. She was already feeling much, much better.
A thing I find beautiful is the people! Marjan is the sister of a friend we have in El Vendrell, where we have spent so much time with our bus and Mon La Bassa over the years. Marjan always said: "Just come over if you are ever in Belgium," - and last year, we took her up on it.
They are welcoming, warm and creative, and fun! What a luxury to have such lovely people in our lives!
Love and light
Cecilie Conrad
🇩🇰 Read in Danish 🇬🇧Â
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