Abuela Conversations with Cecilie Conrad

Abuela Conversations with Cecilie Conrad

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Abuela Conversations with Cecilie Conrad

Abuela means grandmother in Spanish, and I have chosen to call my work abuela work, as I work from the point of love and experience. I am also a trained psychologist, so when something deeper shows up, I have got you!

For the most part, though, I am focused on real life, the living one, how to sail the ship, so to say, and I help families thrive and live a life of balance and inner peace. 

If we have not previously talked, please email me or book a discovery call. Prices are available with discounts for those who want to commit to a process. 

I need at least 24 hours' notice—if it is urgent, call me, and I will do my best to show up as soon as possible. 

Total due $165

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Our company is called True Nomad Communications so you will see this name on your receipts. Our sales pages are on Cursuteca.com, which is our course platform.

True Nomad Communications · 3833 Powerline Road Suite 101 · Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 · United States · EIN #61-1964022 · (+45) 31423007